
Explore our range of Shopify Apps


Discountify enables you to automatically send out unique discount codes to your customers You can create 3 different offers but from unique discount category so that you can grab customers with different offer strategy. Let your customer do not run away from the Cart Page. Create a variety of rules to give a different discount. Merchants can restrict access to the discount by combining many rules.


Bundling your product is more convenient than ever with our two-in-one BundleGenius app! The BundleGenius will resolve a problem where merchants want to sell products as a combo. Within BundleGenius, the merchant can sell products as a combo and they no need to worry about product inventory management. Also, the merchant will notify with inventory tracking as per settings.

FAQ Expert - A Shopify App Logo

FAQ Expert - Product FAQ

FAQ Expert addresses the common need for merchants to provide comprehensive FAQs tailored to specific products. With FAQ Expert, merchants can easily create or Bulk Import FAQs for individual products enhancing the shopping experience by streamlining customer inquiries and give reply to inquiry.

Quiz Buddy - A shopify app

Quiz Buddy ‑ Product Quiz

Elevate user engagement with our Ultimate Quiz Buddy tool, designed for product-based Q&A. Create multiple questions with ease, invite customer quizzes, and seamlessly integrate for an interactive and enjoyable user journey.

Smart Suggest Pro

Smart Suggest Pro - Recommanded Products

Smart Suggest Pro: recommended products: Quickly find and buy relevant products, with straightforward options for adding or importing them.

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